Anger and Love - europäische Fachtagung Psychodrama in Krakow

Krakow2011_PIfEThe 11th International Psychodrama Conference of Psychodrama Institute for Europe (PIfE) in Kraków, 16th - 18th September.

"Anger and Love", concerns our lives as well as our work on the psychodramatic stage - through intense
feelings we can confront oneself and each other. Those feelings may lead us into difficult situations and
also to the new challenges and development.

We talked about all these dimensions of Anger and Love during our Conference, through meetings and participation in workshops and lectures. We created space to have and share good fun, and Kraków itself made an interesting offer for those fond of sight-seeing and other attractions the city provides.





Krzysztof Grzywocz (Poland) - "Drama and Ethic - from Sophocles to Beckett"
Norbert Apter (Swiss) - " From Conflict to Dialouge"


Michael Borremose (Denmark) "On the Ocean of Life – emotions are the wind"
Inara Erdmanis (Sweden) "Love and hate - two sides of the same coin"
Jarosław Gliszczyński (Poland) - "Harm and guilt – when forgiving is harmful"
Carina Holandsli (Norway) "Betrayal bonds"
Sonia Iversen (Norway) "Emotions at work"
Tatiana Kryukova (Russia) " Of love and other Demons..."
Yaacov Naor (Israel) "The enemy within"
Barbara Tengler, Alicja Szulakowska- Biłek (Poland) "Reaching life out"

Krzysztof Grzywocz (Poland) " Waiting for Godot"
Evelyne Hoehme- Serke, Caludia Muhlbauer (Germany) "Anger and love in Encounter - Psychodrama and Nonviolent Communication"
Judith Maschke (Germany) "Psychodrama group Therapy With Children"
Jose Luis Mesquita, Helena Topa (Portugal) "Dramapoetry: Anger and love"
Ekaterina Mikhailova (Russia) - " I hate it, but I keep it!"
Elżbieta Schjetne (Norway) "The concise dictionary on love and anger"
Tetiana Zaitsevka (Ukraine) "Crossroad of Love"
Inara Varpa, Aelita Vagale (Latvia) " Women in anger and love