
Letter to all

Dear Ukrainian psychodrama colleagues,

last months showed to the world community, how fragile the situation may be. Psychodrama Institute for Europe had a wonderful chance and big honour to have its’ congress in Kiev in autumn of 2013. Thanks to Ukrainian colleagues we had wonderful moments in professional life of our organization.

months later we watched how the situation has changed. Feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, even anger or fear could be nowadays inner reality of Ukrainian citizens. By observing the news, reading e-mails, getting messages we see, that even professional life of our colleagues was disrupted by current country crisis situation.

this letter we as PIfE would like to express our concerns and support to our psychodrama colleagues. As psychodramatists we do believe people may solve any conflicts, disagreements even if this impacts large communities or populations. Even though this may be hard, may be possible if people want to talk.

want to express our solicitude for our colleagues, hope for positive outcomes even in hard times, and message to you as psychodrama colleagues that you are part of us, part of professional European psychodrama family. If this hits you it also hurts us, all the PIfE. Please know you are not alone.

In the name of PIfE Board,

Chairman Evaldas Karmaza
2014 winter

Bibliodrama in adult education- in Ismit, Turkey

In der Woche vom 29. September bis 4. Oktober 2013 fand in Ismit (Türkei) das zweite Grundvig- Seminar zur Erwachsenenbildung am Beispiel Bibliodrama statt. Dieses von der EU unterstützte Seminar zeigte die Möglichkeiten mit Bibliodrama und seinen damit verbundenen Techniken, Traditionen, Glaubensrichtungen, Kulturen zu einem interkulturellen Verstehen verschiedener Denkweisen beizutragen. Drei Religionsgruppen waren anwesend: Juden, Christen und Moslems.

Das EU- Projekt beschäftigte sich mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von psychodramatischen Methoden im Bildungsbereich/ Erwachsenenbildung/ Schule. Vier EU- Staaten arbeiteten im Projekt: Iceland, Hungaria, Israel, Poland (Träger), Turkey. Zusammenfassung siehe:

Von acht Ländern waren Vertreter aus Schule und Erwachsenenbildung anwesend:

Australia, Germany, Hungaria, Iceland, Israel, Poland, Turkey, USA.


Das Ergebnis ist in einem Handbuch und einer DVD zusammengefasst worden.

In the week from 29.Sept to 4.Oct in Ismit (Turkey) was a congress Adult-Education with
Bibliodrama. It was the second Grundvig congress and supported from the EU.

BASICS - Bibliodrama as a way of intercultural learning for adults

Das Grodzki Theatre initiierte bereits das Grundtvig Seminar der EU zum Thema "Bridging Psychodrama and Adult Education", dass Sie in dieser Plattform finden.

The idea of the BASICS project is a result of The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre's ten-year experience combating discrimination and xenophobia.
The Council of Europe's "White Paper On Intercultural Dialogue" of May 2008 was particularly inspiring for this, and many of the activities in BASICS are translated from statements within that document.
Bibliodrama enhances the capacity for reflection and a self-critical disposition which are necessary for life in culturally diverse societies.

Psychodrama in der Türkei

Psychodrama in Turkey, started as a professional practice with the studies of Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek, following his participation to Dr. A. Grete Leutz's group in 1972.  Istanbul Psychodrama Institute (IPI)



Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek begruendete die Gruppenpsychotherapie auf der Basis des Psychodramas in der Tuerkei.

Grete Leutz hatte 1972 eine Gruppe in der Tuerkei geleitet, aus der Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek die Anregung mitnahm. Seit 1984 wird jaehrlich in Asklepion, Bergama ein internationaler Kongress durchgefuehrt.

Aktuelle Hinweise auf die weiteren Kongresse sind im Internet z.B unter Istanbul Psychodrama Institute (IPI) zu finden.

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