

Das Grodzki Theatre initiierte 2008 ein Grundtvig Seminar der EU zum Thema "Bridging Psychodrama and Adult Education", dass Sie in dieser Plattform finden.


The idea of the BASICS project is a result of The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre's ten-year experience combating discrimination and xenophobia.

The Council of Europe's "White Paper On Intercultural Dialogue" of May 2008 was particularly inspiring for this, and many of the activities in BASICS are translated from statements within that document.
Bibliodrama enhances the capacity for reflection and a self-critical disposition which are necessary for life in culturally diverse societies.




The main project activities include:

  • Elaboration of innovative teaching curricula through research into synergies between Bibliodrama and Intercultural Education and on the basis of pilot workshop achievements.
  • Production of two complementary publications - a book containing teaching scenarios using Bibliodrama as a way of interculturallearning (in EN, PL, HU, TR, and IS) and a DVD (in EN) presenting learners' perspectives on intercultural issues.
  • Organisation of several dissemination events, including national workshop sessions combined with publications launches, a European Grundtvig course in Turkey and an international conference in one of the project countries.

Project Partners:

Grodzki Theatre, Bielsko-Biala, Poland,
Church Forum Foundation, Budapest, Hungary,
Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavik, Iceland,
Kocaeli University Institute of Health Sciences, Kocaeli, Turkey,
EST Lifelong Learning Centre, Wadowice, Poland,
The Elijah Interfaith Institute, Jerusalem, Israel,