Bibliodrama in adult education- in Ismit, Turkey
In der Woche vom 29. September bis 4. Oktober 2013 fand in Ismit (Türkei) das zweite Grundvig- Seminar zur Erwachsenenbildung am Beispiel Bibliodrama statt. Dieses von der EU unterstützte Seminar zeigte die Möglichkeiten mit Bibliodrama und seinen damit verbundenen Techniken, Traditionen, Glaubensrichtungen, Kulturen zu einem interkulturellen Verstehen verschiedener Denkweisen beizutragen. Drei Religionsgruppen waren anwesend: Juden, Christen und Moslems.
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Das EU- Projekt beschäftigte sich mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von psychodramatischen Methoden im Bildungsbereich/ Erwachsenenbildung/ Schule. Vier EU- Staaten arbeiteten im Projekt: Iceland, Hungaria, Israel, Poland (Träger), Turkey. Zusammenfassung siehe: Von acht Ländern waren Vertreter aus Schule und Erwachsenenbildung anwesend: Australia, Germany, Hungaria, Iceland, Israel, Poland, Turkey, USA.
Das Ergebnis ist in einem Handbuch und einer DVD zusammengefasst worden. |
In the week from 29.Sept to 4.Oct in Ismit (Turkey) was a congress Adult-Education with |
Von acht Ländern waren Vertreter aus Schule und Erwachsenenbildung anwesend: |
Zugang zur e-learning - Plattform vom Grundtvig-Projekt.
To the e- learning platform of the Grundtvig- Project:
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
The participants (some were not present during the photo-shooting) |
- The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre (Poland)
- Church Forum Foundation (Hungary)
- Reykjavik Academy (Iceland)
- Kocaeli University (Turkey)
- EST Lifelong Learning Center (Poland)
- The Elijah Interfaith Institute (Israel)
Bibliodrama as a way of Intercultural Learning for Adults
COURSE AGENDA Kocaeli, Turkey
30 September-4 October 2013
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication
reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
Day 1 – Monday, September 30, 2013:
Sessıon 1: The Rationale of Bibliodrama in Intercultural Dialogue.
Chair: Şafak Ebru Toksoy
10:00 – 12:00: Peta Jones Pellach
The Place of Bibliodrama in the World of Dialogue. (p 4)
12:00 – 12:30: Şafak Ebru Toksoy
BASICS as a Window of Opportunity in Turkey. (p5)
Sessıon 2: Yael Unterman,
Bibliodrama Practices: The Israeli Experience. (p7)
Topic: Rabbi Akiva and his wife.
17:00 -17:30
Peta Pellach, Yael Unterman,
Summing-up session
Day 2 – Tuesday, October 1, 2013:
Sessıon 1:
Peter Varga,
Bibliodrama Practices: The Hungarian Experience.(p 14)
Topic: The Good Samaritan
Sessıon 2:
Björg Arnadottir,
Bibliodrama Practices: The Iceland Experience.(p16)
Topic: Creative writing
17:45-18:15 Summing-up session, Björg Arnadottir, Peter Varga
Day 3 – Wednesday, October 2, 2013:
Sessıon 1: Maria Schejbal
Bibliodrama Practices: The Poland Experience. (p18)
Topic: The Nature of a Dialogue.
Sessıon 2: Şafak Ebru Toksoy
Bibliodrama Practices: The Turkish Experience. (p 20)
Topic: Rumi’s “Four people who did not understand one another.”
Summing – up session, Maria Schejbal, Şafak Ebru Toksoy
Day 4 – Thursday, October 3, 2013:
09.30-17.00: Visit to Hagia Sophia and Sultanahmet- onsite discussions.
Chair: Tamer Aker
Day 5 – Friday, October 4, 2013:
Summation of the Course
Chair: Şafak Ebru Toksoy
Sessıon 1: Intercultural and Interreligious Challenges, Peta Jones Pellach (p24)
Session 2: ‘The Path We Have Taken’ – reflectıon exercise.
Session 3: Chair: Aleksander Schejbal
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