Psychodrama in New York City - USA

Jacob Gershoni, LCSW, CGP,TEP, is a psychotherapist in private practice. He is a trainer, educator and practitioner certified by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry & Group Psychotherapy. He is the Co-Director of the Psychodrama Training Institute and the editor of: Psychodrama in the 21st Century; Clinical and Educational Applications; Springer Publishing Co.; New York 2003. webpage:

Jacob Gershoni offers every year psychodrama workshops.

Jacob Gershoni, NYC bietet jährlich verschiedene Workshops an. Eine Spezialität sind die Eintagesworkshops, sowie die abendlichen Workshops von jeweils drei Stunden Dauer. Jeder Workshop steht für sich allein, es ist jedoch üblich ist, mehrere in Folge zu besuchen. Die folgenden Themen der Workshops soll eine Anregung zum Nachmachen sein.

Below is the schedule of the open psychodrama workshops for the new academic year, held once monthly.


            SEPTEMBER 2011  -  MAY  2012                   

This series of personal growth and training workshops utilizes action methods  (sociometry, psychodrama and group psychotherapy). In a safe and affirming setting, participants have opportunities to explore various issues related to the topics listed below.



September 25:   Self Acceptance through psychodrama
October     16:   Healthy Expressions of Repressed Feelings
November 20:   Exploring Body-Mind Connections
December 18:    Family-of –Origin Unfinished Business


January    22:    Dealing with Changes, Creatively
February   26:    Overcoming Barriers to Intimacy
March       25:    Spirituality as a Source of Inner Strength
April         22:    Dealing with Authority Figures (past and present)  
May          20:    Improving Social and Personal Relationships

Time: 10am – 5 pm

Place: 19 West 34th Street, room 1207
           New York, NY 10001

Fee: $130.00 per workshop     (Scholarships available)   CEU’s granted

Leader: Jacob Gershoni, LCSW, CGP, TEP
For more information, registration or referrals contact Jacob at
(212) 795-1192 or (212) 947-7111 X145
Email: JacobG12 [at] gmail [dot] com          webpage: