Masken im Gefängnis

Strafvollzug und Gefängnis Themen ohne Öffentlichkeit

Das Geese Theater UK hat sich 1987 gegründet- und hat seither Ansehen im Rahmen der Gefängnisarbeit erlangt. Die Mitglieder dieser Gruppierung haben sich verschiedene Spiele und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten überlegt, die sie in Gefängnissen, Jugendanstalten und Zentren für Bewährungshilfe trainieren. Diese Gruppe hat in fast allen Gefängnissen in England und Irland Trainings gegeben.
Sie arbeitet vor allem mit Theaterelementen, Rollenspielen und Übungen, die das "Miteinander" fördern.
In dem Buch, welches es bisher nur als englische Ausgabe gibt, stehen über 100 verschiedene Übungen, die in der Konfliktlösungsarbeit eingebunden werden können.

Zur Geese Theatre Company


Comments and opinions to the Geese Theatre Handbook

"The book's chapter on role playing is perhaps the most definitive exploration of the variety of applications and settings for the method....This makes the Geese Theatre Handbook, perhaps the best single compendium of experiential activities, warm-ups and such presently available.... In summary I think this is an outstanding book about theatre therapy in working with offenders. Highly recommended."

taken from a review by Adam Blatner, MD, TEP, USA

"Five years in the making the book is an invaluable resource.... this is a key accompaniment for exponents and would be exponents of applied drama in prisons."

taken from a review in Prison Service News

"It is almost impossible to accurately convey the depth and scope of this excellent publication.... if you're involved with offenders or other at risk groups - buy it."

taken from a review by Howard Fay JP in The Magistrate

"This is a generous book. Not only does it explain the thinking behind the company's work, it also provides a treasure-chest of games and exercises for any group setting. I defy any trainer or group facilitator across the social and communication skills spectrum not to find some stunning new off-the-peg idea to lift a jaded session on a wet Thursday."

taken from a review by Julia Braggins in The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies

"It is described by the editors as a practical manual, which it is - an absolute treasure trove for people who work with groups - in mental health, schools, training, social work - wherever."

taken from a review by Kate Kirk in Mental Health Today

"The power and drama to involve and engage our deepest feelings and emotions are clearly seen in this impressive and generous publication. Impressive, because the professionalism of the approach and the complexity of the work shine through in the detailed scenarios and methods described. Generous, because the editors have provided for us all the hard-worked-for experience of years made readily accessible and available for consideration within our professional practice and for our personal learning and insight."

taken from a review by Tim Newell in Prison Governors Newsletter